To make changes to the article featured on your homepage, you can make changes via the Dashboard in Wordpress.
1. Login to Wordpress and navigate to dashboard.
2. Scroll down the left hand side menu until you get to 'Site Settings'
3. this will provide you with four menu options, however, ensure that you have selected the 'Heading' tab. This is where you want all your changes to be reflected. Please ensure you don't make changes to Menu Links or items.
4. To change the 'Featured Post' on the homepage, simply click on the dropdown box, and begin typing the name of the post you are looking for.
5. Once you've done that, ensure you edit the image to match the featured article. To update the image, first REMOVE the existing image with the 'X' in the top right corner.
6. Select a new image with the Dimensions 144px wide x 192px high. Upload as normal by clicking Add media and selecting from your computer or the existing media library.
7. Once you have made your selection and updated the image, ensure you hit 'Update' under the Publish menu to save your changes.